Reading fiction doesn’t help us escape the world.

It helps us live in it.

An illustration of a ginger cat, Crookshanks, grumpily peeking from behind library shelves. An orange ladder reaches up to the top shelves.

We condemn J.K. Rowling’s transphobia.

Harry Potter and the Sacred Text supports all gender identities. Read more about our values here.

HPST Announcements

Join What Matters 2024-2025

In 28 weeks of What Matters, you’ll meet weekly with a tight-knit cohort of 24 students. You'll read in community, learn from spiritual leaders and artists, and build clarity and intention around your values.

The program is divided into three units, each focused on a different text, and the curriculum is designed to give you the support and resources to chart your own path to what matters.

Claim Your Spot Today!

Sign-up for our NaNoWriMo 2024 programming

We are offering writing classes for folks interested in participating in NaNoWriMo this year! Vanessa will be joined by New York Times Best Selling Author Dana Schwartz, for Writing Romantic Stories and Grand Slam Moth winner Micaela Blei, for Writing Memoir.

You can sign up for either, or both of these classes, through July 31st at a reduced price. So sign up and grab your spot now!

Try starting here...

Series 1

In the premiere episode, Casper and Vanessa talk about why they are starting this project.

Series 2

With new co-host Matt Potts. Matt and Vanessa discuss, “How do we react to frustration productively?”

We’re a part of
Not Sorry Productions

Check out our other podcasts, Hot & Bothered and The Real Question